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                                    Sales Cloud

What is Salesforce Sales Cloud

As the name implies, Sales Cloud is a cloud-based application that helps sales teams to improve sales and marketing strategies. The primary goal behind the creation of the Salesforce Cloud service is to help companies improve sales while keeping a close eye on the interaction of customers with their goods. After all, there’s no such a company that wouldn’t want to sell more products and gain more users. 


The Salesforce Sales Cloud differs from other sales methods and marketing tools because it provides an interactive platform for the companies to monitor its performance. Besides, the automated sales process eliminates the stress and redundancy of planning sales strategies from scratch. And the more automated your sales process, the more revenue you get from every transaction. 


Unlike Service Cloud that helps companies improve their customer service, Sales Cloud is designed as a tool that enables salespeople to efficiently manage their accounts, quotes, leads, and deals in one place. Besides, Sales Cloud does not focus on field agents, unlike the Field Service solution oriented to field force management.


With the help of Salesforce Sales Cloud CRM, you can take your conversion rates to another level by marketing directly to a target audience. Most importantly, Sales Cloud is a customer management CRM that helps your salespeople to sell smarter and faster by prioritizing tasks, managing customer relationships, finding more leads, and closing more deals. 

In fact, good performance demans not only technical automation.  Nowadays sales reps need to obtain the mix of hard and soft skills to make virtual communication with the customers more personal in order to meet their expectations.


Please follow the link to watch the demo how Sales Cloud works:

Salesforce Sales Cloud main advantages:

The Sales Cloud CRM is a perfect sales and marketing tool for any sales team because of the unlimited capabilities it provides in the sales arena. Businesses worldwide rely on this tool to generate a lot of data that can be converted from useful insights into sales strategies.

Sales from any location


The cloud-based sales Salesforce tool is an excellent addition to the marketing campaign because it allows the users access from any location. Since the platform runs in  the cloud, you can go mobile and access sales data from any device that has an internet connection. Moreover, the Sales Cloud application is convenient when you're on the go. The information can be taken from the system, regardless of location or device. Mobile applications can automatically enhance the accounts with additional information from social media.

Gain more leads


Sales cloud helps companies to eliminate redundancies and focus on lead-generating email marketing strategies.

Close more deals


Other sales CRM platforms have limited accessibility, but Sales Cloud is readily available at all times. Since you have unlimited access to the sales platform, you can monitor deals in real-time and track their progress. As a result, your company will end up closing more deals over a specified period. 

Increase conversion


Sales Cloud provides you with a lot of analytical data, including the demographics of your target audience. And with this information, you can monitor their online shopping patterns. This information can guide your marketing strategy to increase conversion on your company’s online products and services.

Spend less time on administrative decisions


Sales Cloud uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to predict market responses. As a result, the Sales Cloud CRM can generate real-time updates on the market and help salespeople finalize business decisions based on relevant data. Thanks to detailed knowledge of individual needs in the customer journey, marketing measures can be used more effectively, leading to faster sales and a shortening of the sales cycle.

Plan better marketing campaigns


Since the platform provides a detailed view of the dashboard, you can streamline your marketing campaign to minimize costs and maximize profit. The sales team can use the data obtained from the Sales Cloud dashboard to monitor the deals and track the team performance. And most importantly, the AI will give you real-time feedback on the source of the most active leads.

Accelerate productivity


With the embedded Einstein AI, the Sales Cloud CRM platform automates core processes and curates tasks faster. This solution is a massive improvement to other traditional task curation platforms. And most importantly, the AppExchange tool allows you to scale up the business in record time.

The general argument in favor of Sales Cloud implementation is that it requires small initial investments. A local infrastructure with servers and hardware is not necessary. The price and set of functions differ depending on business needs.  And judging by the standard Salesforce pricing, the service is worth every dime paid for it.

With our assistance you don’t need to employ experts to implement the Sales Cloud platform solution. Our Salesforce salescloud consulting can help you to get started on the implementation procedure and also to add extra features with time, depending on your company’s business objectives.

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